Departamento de Engenharia Química - DEQ

Fachada do DEQ

The Department

The Department of Chemical Engineering (DEQ) is currently responsible for three undergraduate courses: Chemical Engineering (daytime), Food Engineering (daytime) and Industrial Chemistry (evening classes). It also has a graduate program in Chemical Engineering which offers Master´s and PhD degrees. Part of these programs is sponsored by the Brazilian National Petroleum and Natural Gas Agency (ANP).

We are interested in academic and research cooperation with companies, industries and universities from abroad.

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Contact Us Contact Us

Secretaria Geral
(81) 2126-8238
Engenharia Química
(81) 2126-7293
Engenharia de Alimentos
(81) 2126-8717
Química Industrial
(81) 2126 8717 ou 2126 7293

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