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Visit of Prof. Dr. Stephen Liu

Prof. Dr. Stephen Liu visits Federal University of Pernambuco


About Prof. Dr. Stephen Liu:

Dr. Stephen Liu currently holds the title of Professor Emeritus and Research Professor in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. He is Director Emeritus
for both the Center for Welding, Joining and Coatings Research and the NSF-Manufacturing & Materials Joining Innovation Center Mines Site. He has supervised 87 M.S. and Ph.D. students todate with two more Ph.D. students in progress. He has also had over 50 B.S. level research students. He has authored and co-authored over 400 technical publications and reports and
received many prestigious honors from international professional societies. These include the Comfort A. Adams Lecturer Award, Honorary Membership Award, Plummer Education Lecture Award, William Spraragen Award, McKay-Helm Award, Robert Peaslee Brazing Award, Charles Jennings Award, Adams Memorial Membership Award, and International Meritorious Award
from the American Welding Society. Prof. Liu has also received from the International Institute of Welding the Jaeger Lecture Award, Halil Kaya Gedik Award and Yoshiaki Arata Award. He is a
recipient of five fellowships, FAWS from the American Welding Society, FASME from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, FASM from ASM International, FIMMM from the
Institute of Materials, Metallurgy & Mining, and FIIW from the International Institute of Welding. He has also received several awards from ASME and SAE. In 2014, Prof. Liu received from Fulbright the honor of Distinguished Chair in Oil and Gas Sciences. Prof. Liu currently serves on the editorial boards of a number of prestigious international journals. Dr. Liu is a Chartered Professional Engineer registered with the Engineering Council in the U.K.




Date of last modification: 14/01/2021, 16:32