Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering (DEMEC) at UFPE started its activities in January 1969, coming from the Department of Civil Engineering. DEMEC operates in research, teaching and extension, developing and disseminating updated technology in the areas of Materials and Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Metrology, Mechanical Design, Automotive Systems, Metal-Mechanical Industrial Systems, Naval and Offshore Systems and Thermal Systems.

DEMEC's mission is to train qualified engineers who are socially responsible in: Conception and feasibility analysis of projects, systems design, planning, execution and maintenance of systems and services related to its three areas of operation: Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Engineering.

News News


Eleição Coordenação de Engenharia de Materiais (atualizado)

Divulgação da Documentação Referente ao Processo Eleitoral do Curso de Engenharia de Materiais

Contact Us Contact Us

Department Head
In-person service with appointments
(81) 2126.8230
Department Secretariat
In-person service from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
(81) 2126.8231 / 8232
Undergraduate Secretariat
Demec Education (Materials/Mechanics/Naval). In-person service from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
(81) 2126.7301
Graduate Secretariat
In-person service from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
(81) 2126.8704
Secretaria de Convênios
In-person service with scheduling via email
(81) 2126.8232

Team Team

DEMEC´s Chief
Silvio Eduardo Gomes de Melo
(81) 2126.8230 / 99420.9855
DEMEC´s Vice Chief
Flavio Augusto B. Figueiredo
(81) 2126.8232
Executive Secretary
Tamires Regina Correia de Andrade
(81) 2126.8232
Administrative Secretary
Mariana Medeiros Santos de Deus
(81) 2126.8232

Location Location

Federal University of Pernambuco
Technology and Geosciences Center
Mechanical Engineering Department
Av. da Arquitetura, s/nº, 2nd Floor of the School Block
CEP 50740-550 - Recife - PE - Brasil