O Programa O Programa

The Post Graduate Program in Sociology (PPGS) at UFPE is part of the Department of Sociology and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2016. The Master's program began with the creation of the Integrated Program in Economics and Sociology (PIMES). Master's courses in Sociology and Economics worked in conjunction up to 1981, and became widely renowned nationwide. The creation of the Doctoral Program in 1995 reaffirmed PPGS' role in the training of researchers and in the scientific production in Brazil, with emphasis on studies in social change. Since its foundation, PPGS has been characterized by the promotion of seminars, courses and open lectures by great names of world sociology. In the last few decades, the Program has extended its international cooperation programs, including the reception of an increasing number of international lecturers and students, thus contributing to its internationalization process.



Currently, the Program has 15 permanent, 1 visitant and 6 collaborating professors. The faculty of PPGS has strong national and international insertion and is known for its production in research, teaching, and extension projects.

Permanent Faculty

Artur Fragoso de Albuquerque Perrusi - http://lattes.cnpq.br/0486688276534915

Breno Augusto Souto Maior Fontes - http://lattes.cnpq.br/4908250087435573  

Cristiano Wellington Noberto Ramalho - http://lattes.cnpq.br/1887328149361171 

Cynthia de Carvalho Lins Hamlin - http://lattes.cnpq.br/6056871362284299  

Eliane Veras Soares - http://lattes.cnpq.br/8991148779865105  

Francisco Jatobá de Andrade - http://lattes.cnpq.br/2604274612352251

Gabriel Moura Peters - http://lattes.cnpq.br/1309727421275736 

Gustavo Gomes da Costa Santos - http://lattes.cnpq.br/1079009723623586  

Joanildo Albuquerque Burity - http://lattes.cnpq.br/1117978372756077  

José Luiz de Amorim Ratton Júnior - http://lattes.cnpq.br/7306229875666481  

Josefa Salete Barbosa Cavalcanti - http://lattes.cnpq.br/2858210983086479  

Josimar Jorge Ventura de Morais - http://lattes.cnpq.br/4863742227544521    

Maria Eduarda da Mota Rocha - http://lattes.cnpq.br/6936205242822504  

Paulo Henrique Martins - http://lattes.cnpq.br/6218095707596245  

Remo Mutzenberg - http://lattes.cnpq.br/5704991442247075

Visiting Professor

Luca Bussotti - http://lattes.cnpq.br/8659437222936712

Collaborating Faculty

Alexandre Zarias - http://lattes.cnpq.br/5482409611323174

Eliane Maria Monteiro da Fonte - http://lattes.cnpq.br/6737586307858036  

Jonatas Ferreira - http://lattes.cnpq.br/4099939235467437  

Maria Luiza Lins e Silva Pires - http://lattes.cnpq.br/4643717680536039

Paulo Marcondes Ferreira Soares - http://lattes.cnpq.br/2240014218572495  

Silke Weber - http://lattes.cnpq.br/2168457966116912


Admin Staff

Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Cristiano Wellington Noberto Ramalho - cristiano.ramalho@ufpe.br

Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Artur Fragoso de Albuquerque Perrusi - artur.perruci@ufpe.br

Secretary: Karine Mendes

Administrative Assistant: Mônica Malafaia


Graduate courses

UFPE's Graduate Program in Sociology offers master's and doctoral degrees. PPGS boasts a sound IT structure, resources offered by the university’s main Library System, a large collection of specialized works in the Local Library at the Centre of Philosophy and Human Sciences, web access to journal databases through CAPES Journals Portal, and a stimulating environment for learning and research. Since 1967, 411 MA dissertations and 2020 PhD theses have been submitted with approval.



With emphasis on social change, research at PPGS is divided in six areas, thus contemplating the diversity of contemporary sociological production. 


Research Areas

  • Political Culture, Collective Identities, Social Representations
  • Education, Labour, Science and Technology
  • Family and Gender
  • Organizations, Spatiality and Sociability
  • Agrarian Social Processes and New Trends in Agriculture
  • Theory and Social Thinking


Research Groups

1 - Centre for Global South Epistemologies (NESG)

Leaders: Paulo Henrique Novaes Martins de Albuquerque and Josimar Jorge Ventura de Morais

The Centre's academic proposal is focused on valuing, reorganizing and deepening studies that take local, social and cultural diversities into account as resources to reflect on globalization at its epistemic complexity. The Centre seeks to link teaching, research, extension and advisory activities in fields concerning new theories on the Global South, social and cultural studies and their diversities, and new methodologies that value LOCAL and CONTINENTAL.


2 - Study Group on Social Theory and Subjectivities

Leader: Cynthia de Carvalho Lins Hamlin

The Study Group on Social Theory and Subjectivities intends to reflect on the different concepts of subject developed within contemporary social theory through its interface with sociology, philosophy, anthropology, psychology, etc. Focusing on action theories and arising from a plurality of interests related to the substantive research of its members, the Group discusses meanings and forms of subjectivation primarily related to the following themes: gender, labour, consumption, aesthetics.


3 – Research Centre on Networks, Sociabilities and Local Governance

Leader: Breno Augusto Souto Maior Fontes

The Research Centre on Networks, Sociabilities and Local Governance gathers researchers with diverse disciplinary backgrounds in the construction of a research agenda, the development of academic activities and social intervention. Members undertake activities on themes oriented towards three research topics: Networks, practices of sociability and local governance; Management, Urban Governance, Discussions on authorities in Cities; health.


4 - Citizenship, Exclusion and Processes of Change Research Centre (NUCEM)

Leaders: Breno Augusto Souto Maior Fontes, Paulo Henrique Novaes Martins de Albuquerque, Artur Fragoso de Albuquerque Perrusi and Eliane Maria Monteiro da Fonte

NUCEM has two thematic axes: academic research, focusing on theoretical work on Citizenship, Identity and Exclusions, and intervention methodologies. The academic research axis includes members’ research projects and student supervised work, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The intervention practices axis is structured around several activities, such as training for civil society activists, socio-organizational intervention, advisory activities to civic and governmental bodies.


5 - Centre for the Study of Crime, Violence and Public Safety Policies (NEPS)

Leader: José Luiz de Amorim Ratton Júnior

Created in 2007, NEPS has been conducting research on violence and social inequalities, violence and gender, violence and ethnic-racial inequalities, the functioning of the police, justice and prison systems, public security policies, criminal organizations, the dynamics of drug markets and other illegal markets, drug policies.


6 - Education and Society/ Identity Research Group

Leader: Silke Weber

The Education and Society Research Group, active since 1994, is linked to the Research area on Education, Labour, Science and Technology. Four thematic axes guide its studies: social, cultural and institutional characteristics in contexts of formal and informal education; recent educational policies; links between the process of professionalizing teachers and social demands for education at different levels of schooling; and university-society relationships from a macro analytical perspective, pointing out recent changes in higher education policies in effect in Brazil.


7 - Contemporary Brazilian Society: Culture, Democracy and Social Reflection

Leader: Eliane Veras Soares and Remo Mutzenberg

The group emerged in 2006 from a convergence of interests around contemporary Brazilian society, focusing on three aspects: social thinking, the question of culture and political identification processes. Its common axis is the issue of democracy in the context of interpretations, cultural production and social practices. Starting in 2008, the group has incorporated dialogue with Latin American and African intellectual production, seeking an interchange with critical thinking and discussions over postcolonialism and cultural studies.


8 - Permanent Observation Laboratory on Rural Transformations in the Northeast (LAE-RURAL)

Leaders: Maria de Nazareth Baudel Wanderley and Josefa Salete Barbosa Cavalcanti

Created in 1999, the Permanent Observation Laboratory on the Transformations of the Rural World in the Brazilian Northeast - LAE-RURAL - was created as a space for the convergence of researchers and for bolstering in-depth reflections on the issues facing the rural world in the region. In this context, its activities center around the following themes: Globalization and Agriculture; Rurality in contemporary society; State and public policies; Social movements and Associations; Labor and Gender; Peasantry and Family Agriculture; Rural youth; The Environment and Agroecology.


9 – Diversiones – Human Rights, Power and Culture in Gender and Sexuality

Leader: Gustavo Gomes da Costa Santos

This research group seeks to produce research and extension activities about contemporary cognitive, psychosocial, political and cultural processes surrounding the themes of gender and sexuality. Researchers connected to the group work on a theoretical approach inspired by post-structuralist, feminist and postcolonial contributions. The group is characterized by its interdisciplinary approach, confirmed by the presence of researchers from different fields of the human and social sciences. They boast extensive research experience.


How to apply

Candidates to our program should visit the website under the “information and guidance on the admission process” tag.


Scholarships and Grants

As a public university, UFPE does not charge tuition fees. All costs are met by the Brazilian federal government. Thus, the program is free for all admitted students, including foreign ones.

Students enrolled in the Graduate Program in Sociology may apply for a scholarship from CAPES - the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, CNPq - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, or other government agencies. PPGS receives a quota of scholarships from each granting institution and distributed them according to criteria established by its Scholarship Committee. The scholarships have a maximum duration of 24 months for MA students, and 48 moths for doctoral students.

Applicants from developing countries can also apply for scholarships available through the CAPES PEC-PG program. More information on how to apply, along with a list of participating countries, can be found at http://www.capes.gov.br/cooperacao-internacional/multinacional/pec-pg


Contact Us

O PPGS is located at Av. da Arquitetura, S/N

Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, 12º andar

CEP: 50.740-550, Recife – PE

E-mail: ppgs.ufpe@gmail.com

Telephones: (81) 2126-8285 / 2126-8284