International Collaborations International Collaborations

Victoria University - Australia

Effects of manipulating pre-exercise carbohydrate intake on training-induced improvements in skeletal muscle function,signalingproteins and genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, and athletic performance.Special Visitant Professor (CNPq – 2013/17)

Université de Lyon – França

Nutrition, physical activity and phenotypic plasticity: study of the cellular and molecular mechanisms associated with perinatal origin of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type 2, and obesity in adult life. UFPE-Université de Lyon. CAPES/COFECUB (797-14)

Université de Nantes, França

Study of the behavioural modifications and mollecuklar mechanismsthat regulate the feed behaviourinduced by perinatal  nutrition and the consequences on the development of obesity”. Projeto CAPES/COFECUB 657/09

Pedagogic University of Mozambique

Collaboration with the laboratory of Science of the Moviment, Faculty of Physical Education and Spots Science- Pedagogic University of Mozambique. Scientific visits by researchers from both Post-Graduation program: PPGNAFPF- Brazil and Mster in health - Mozambique.

University of OPorto - Portugal

Collaboration with the laboratory of Cineanthropometry, Faculty of Physical Education and Spots Science- University of OPorto. Scientific visits by researchers from both Post-Graduation program: PPGNAFPF- Brazil and Doctoral Students and Post-Doc Students from Portugal.