About Us About Us


The research group on Organic Compounds in Coastal and Marine Ecosystems (OrganoMAR) was formed on June 1, 2010 by Dr. Eliete Zanardi-Lamardo and Dr. Gilvan Yogui - both newly hired as assistant professors in the Department of Oceanography at Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). The team was soon recognized by the Office of the Vice President for Research at UFPE, and is currently listed in the national database of research groups at the Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil. In 2011, Dr. Zanardi-Lamardo and Dr. Yogui were granted an area of approximately 100 m² (~1100 sq ft) to set up a laboratory. After remodeling, the new facility consists of three small offices, an open office for students, a chemistry laboratory and an analytical instrumentation room.



The OrganoMAR team is committed to accomplish its four institutional roles (teaching, research, outreach and leadership) the best one can in order to attain academic excellence in oceanography and environmental sciences.



The OrganoMAR team strives to achieve its mission through the following goals:

  • To teach courses based on current and relevant content, trying to contextualize topics and valuing the professor-student relationship;
  • To train individuals for disseminating and applying the scientific knowledge for the sake of a better and sustainable society;
  • To make high quality research for the advancement of science and the development of a sustainable planet;
  • To spread the scientific knowledge teaching courses for the non-academic community and conducting applied research for the government and industry;
  • To manage leadership activities based on a professional, transparent and participatory manner, aiming a quality public service that respects the human element.



If you are interested in joining the OrganoMAR team, do not hesitate to contact us. Good ideas are welcome! And hard workers to come them true are more than welcome!!!