FDR Memory FDR Memory

Project Academic Memory of the Law School of Recife 


Project Academic Memory of the Law School of Recife has the intention of contributing with the patrimonial heritage preservation politics of the Law School of Recife(FDR). In its first step of execution (2016/2017), the focus is to gather documents that synthesize the academic and historic memorial of the university deposited in the special bibliographic collection of the Center of Juridical Sciences(CCJ) of the Federal University of Pernambuco(UFPE).

The main goal is to give access to part of the historical collection of the Law School through activities of conservation, inventory, listing and scanning of the auxiliary works to the law education in the Law School of Recife – CCJ/UFPE. Through its completion, the Federal University of Pernambuco and the Center of Juridical Sciences will fulfill their social and legal responsibility of providing access, conservation and availability of the public asset and the historical, cultural and documental memory of the oldest law school of the north of Brazil, the Law School of Recife, bringing to all society a segment of the historical, academical and intellectual memory that the Law Course provided through his almost 190 years of activity.

Custodian of a rare and valorous collection of works of the UFPE, the library, since its creation in 1830, have been giving an outstanding contribution to the development of the brazilian intellectual and juridical background. Many remarkable personalities, including jurists, philosophers, poets and politicians studied in it’s chambers.

The current conservation conditions of the collections require indispensable precautions to minimize the harmful effects caused by weather and microorganisms and the actual conditions of storage. Many of the documents have no ease of handling, what makes imperative it’s digital reproduction, helping to increase its lifetime and conservation.

For that matter, the project wishes to contribute, through interdisciplinary work between the students of the UFPE, especially the ones from History, Law, Library Science and Museology, with the preservation and public access to a segment of the bibliographical and historical collection of the Law School of Recife by means of effective actions of preservation and scanning of compendiums, teaching programs and works produced in the Law School in the 19th  century.

While it’s a social integration activity, it seeks to coordinate teaching activities, research and social action, in the scope of the historical collection of the Library and File of the Law School of Recife, bringing effectiveness to the academic and theoretical knowledge earned by the students in a interdisciplinary perspective, emphasizing the awareness in terms of human right to information and knowledgment of our institucional academic memory.