Internal Legislation Internal Legislation

In this section, internal resolutions and regulations relating to student mobility are available (all of them in portuguese).

Resolução 04/1994 - Establishes complementary standards for learning assessment and attendance control in UFPE undergraduate courses. 

Resolução 07/2015 - Establishes the general guidelines for awarding a Double Diploma to UFPE undergraduate students (regular and/or exchange students).

Resolução CEPE 11/2018 - Regulates the procedure for the revalidation of undergraduate diplomas and for the recognition of “stricto sensu” postgraduate titles obtained in a foreign higher education institution.

Resolução 09/2019 - Regulates the offer of internationalized subjects in UFPE undergraduate courses

Resolução 27/2020 - Regulates the carrying out of doctoral courses under a Co-tutelary regime (double and multiple degrees).

Instrução Normativa 01/2020 - Provides for the offer of places and admission of foreign students to stricto sensu postgraduate courses. 

Portaria Normativa 36/2020 - Approves the DRI's regulatory structure. 

Instrução Normativa 06/2021 - Specifies the procedures for requesting the revalidation of diplomas for undergraduate courses issued by foreign higher education institutions, via the Carolina Bori Platform, within the scope of the Federal University of Pernambuco.

Portaria Normativa 27/2021 - Provides for the entry of foreigners, registration and enrollment in Stricto Sensu Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses at the university

Instrução Normativa nº 06/2021 - Specifies the procedures necessary for revalidating diplomas for undergraduate courses issued by foreign higher education institutions within the scope of UFPE, via the Plataforma Carolina Bori.

Resolução 03/2022 - Establishes the Academic Mobility Policy and regulates the procedures for academic mobility within the scope of strictu sensu undergraduate and postgraduate courses at UFPE. 

Resolução 02/2023 - Establishes the Institutional Internationalization Policy of the Federal University of Pernambuco and provides other measures