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Pós-Graduação em Estatística realiza seminário na sexta-feira (14)

Palestra será ministrada pelo professor Raul da Mota Silveira Neto, professor do Departamento de Economia



O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estatística realiza o seminário “What Drives the Patterns of Urban Land Use in a Developing Country? Evidence for Brazil” na sexta-feira (14), às 16h, na sala 9 do 1º andar do Departamento de Estatística. O evento será ministrado pelo professor Raul da Mota Silveira Neto, professor do Departamento de Economia e membro do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia da UFPE (Pimes) com experiência em Economia Regional, Economia Urbana, Economia do Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Econômico.

This work investigates the determinants of urban land use for the city of Recife, Brazil. Using a microdata of 98,198 individual parcels and a locally weighted multinomial logit, we show that there is considerable local spatial effects, which indicates that parametric approaches may be inadequate in an intra-urban context. Additionally, some general patterns of land use are identified: transport infrastructures (which include main avenues, roadways and subway stations) tend to attract commercial activities, while natural amenities (including the public open areas, the beach and the river) tend to encourage residential development. Finally, it is evidenced that, on average, the probability of unimproved lots is higher in areas near the city historical center and the verticalization is greater in areas near th e city center and to the natural amenities.



Data da última modificação: 12/06/2019, 17:29