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27/05/2022 Colóquio (WEBINAR) From the academy to the industry – Dr. Abbas Hosseini (Citrogene Inc, San Jose, EUA)

From the academy to the industry

Dr. Abbas Hosseini 

Citrogene Inc, San Jose, EUA

The whole idea and core of this talk is to tell my story starting from a dream to reach to success. It is a concern of many graduate students after they finish their study and are looking forward to a new path. How to start? How to use all the education and formulas that we have learnt or memorized in school in real life and the industrial world? Is it worth doing a Master degree or even doing a PhD and not finding the desired job? My aim would be to answer these types of questions based on the experience that I gained via a few startups companies I developed.

Short bio:

1992-1996: Graduação / University of Theran, Iran

1996-1998: Mestrado / Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Science, Zanjan, Iran

2000-2002: PhD student / Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. Mumbai, India

2002-2005: PhD Photonics - Propagation of intense laser pulses / Université Laval, Canadá

2005-2008: PostDoctorate - Photonics, University of Toronto, Canada

Data, horário e local:
27 de maio de 2022 (sexta-feira) - 16h
Ambiente Virtual: Google Meet

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Fecha de la última modificación: 26/05/2022, 10:28