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03/12/2021 Colóquio (WEBINAR) Hybrid quantum technologies: living systems entangled to quantum bits - Vlatko Vedral (Department of Physics, University of Oxford and Centre for Quantum, Technologies of the National University of Singapore)


Hybrid quantum technologies: living systems entangled to quantum bits



Vlatko Vedral

Department of Physics, University of Oxford and Centre for Quantum

Technologies of the National University of Singapore.



Abstract: Many macroscopic phenomena rely on the laws of quantum physics. The solid state physics, for instance, started with the realization that both electrons and vibrations have to be treated quantum mechanically to even begin to be able to understand the thermodynamical behavior of many-body systems. A growing body of evidence now suggests that living systems too could be utilising quantum coherence, superpositions, and even, in some cases, quantum entanglement to perform some tasks with higher efficiency. However, it is an exciting open question to what degree quantum effects can be maintained and controlled at the macroscopic level. This is interesting not just for our quest to realise scalable quantum computers, but also for engineering special-purpose programmable nano-machines. 


I will explain the basics of witnessing entanglement and I will put this into the context of our present understanding of macroscopic quantum phenomena. I will then present the single molecule spectroscopy experiments we are currently undertaking in our laboratory to obtain a better understanding of quantum effects in complex (bio)molecules. This will include our observation of the vacuum Rabi splitting in a living bacterium strongly coupled with the electromagnetic field. I will then talk about the latest experiments involving a single tardigrade coupled to a superconducting quantum bit and interacting with another superconducting bit. This will lead me to speculate on the scalability of such experiments and the validity of quantum physics in the macro domain. Will quantum physics ultimately be superseded, or will it prove to be a universal description of all the known phenomena?


Data, horário e local:

03 de dezembro de 2021 (sexta-feira) - 16h

Ambiente Virtual: Google Meet


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