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10/03/2023 Colóquio (WEBINAR) Phonons in Information and Communication Technologies – Prof. Dr. Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology & University of Wuppertal, Germany)

É com grande satisfação que os convidamos para o 1o colóquio do DF-UFPE em 2023.1, a ser proferido pela Profa. Clivia Sotomayor, do Inst. Catalão de Nanociências e Nanotechnology e da Universidade de Wuppertal, nesta 6a feira, dia 10 / Março, às 16h00. Este colóquio será em formato remoto


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Phonons in Information and  Communication Technologies


Prof. Dr. Clivia M. Sotomayor TorresCatalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology & University of WuppertalGermany


Losses in ICT are a challenge to engineering and basic science. They are intrinsically linked to power consumption and in electronics they take place in mainly interconnects and switching operations. One idea to minimise or even avoid losses in the transmission of information in chips and circuits, is the concept of topological protection. I will provide a background on the key physical properties which constitute the advantages and disadvantages of phonon in ICT focusing on ideas, methods and progress to date. I will discuss our phononic research in Si and 2D materials towards transporting signals in phononic waveguides in Si-compatible components and circuits. I will discuss schemes of phonon sources, waveguides and detection in the GHZ range.


Short Bio:

Prof. Dr. Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres was born in Arica, Chile, and obtained her PhD in Physics in 1984 from the University of Manchester, UK. She held tenured academic appointments at Saint Andrews and Glasgow universities in the UK, a C4 professorship at Wuppertal University in Germany and was a research professor at the National university of Ireland University College Cork (Tyndall National Institute). Clivia received awards from the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Nuffield Foundation and an Amelia Earhart Fellowship from ZONTA International (USA). Since 2007 she is an ICREA research professor and group leader of the Phononic and Photonic Nanostructures group at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Bellaterra. She carries out research in the science and engineering of phononic nanostructures, nanophotonics and novel lithography methods including nanoimprint lithography and self- assembly. Her group is an international reference laboratory in experimental phononics research. She was a guest professor at the P. Sabatier Univ. Toulouse, at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden and currently she is the Mittlesten-Schied Guest Professor at the University of Wuppertal in Germany. She has supervised over 20 PhD theses and over 60 postdoctoral researchers. Her indexed publications number over 450 and her research work has been cited over 11 000 times. Clivia has been and is an active participant in European level research since 1989 and coordinated several projects. She has held several commissions of trust including membership of the Danish National Research Council board, vice-chair of the Scientific Board of the Silicon Austria Laboratory and co-Chair and Chair of the Advisory Group of the EU Future and Emerging Technologies.  In 2020 she was elected to the Academia Europaea and since 2021 she is a holder of an ERC Advanced Grant carrying out research on phonons for information and communication Technologies.


Date of last modification: 10/03/2023, 14:42