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Departamento de Física realiza seminário sobre interações de sólitons

O evento acontecerá às 16h, via Google Meet

O Departamento de Física (DF) da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) promove seminário on-line nesta sexta-feira (18). O evento, de tema “Solitons and their interactions”, será ministrado pela professora Azadeh Mohammadi (DF-UFPE). O colóquio acontecerá às 16h, pela plataforma Google Meet. Os organizadores pedem para os participantes entrarem na sala com o microfone desligado e, preferencialmente, com o e-mail institucional ( O evento também poderá ser acompanhado, ao vivo, pelo link. 


In this talk, besides introducing the concept of the soliton and giving some historical context, I present a toy model we designed in 1+1 dimensions with kink solutions. The stability equation in the model is analogous to the Schrödinger equation with square-well potential. We modified the square well potential continuously, which allows the excitation to tunnel and consequently turns the normal modes of the kink into quasi-normal modes. I will refer to the kink excitations as well as kink-antikink collisions and the resulting scaling and fractal structure of the resonance windows considering both normal and quasi-normal modes. Besides that, I present a class of \phi^4n models with kink solutions where both tails of the kinks are long-range using a recently developed method of an accelerated kink ansatz to estimate the force between the kink and the antikink. The correct methods to study the collision of the kinks with long-range tails have been appearing recently invalidating many previous results reported in the literature.

Mais informações
Secretaria da Pós-Graduação

Date of last modification: 17/09/2020, 15:29