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Seminário de Óptica acontece na próxima terça-feira (16)

O evento começa às 14h e acontece no auditório do Departamento de Física

A partir das 14 horas da próxima terça-feira (16), acontecerá no auditório do Departamento de Física mais uma edição do Seminário de Óptica. Ministrado em inglês, o tema desta edição será “Second harmonic scattering origin response from nano-objects” e a apresentação será feita pelo professor Christian Jonin, do Institut Lumière Matière, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, da França.


There has been in the literature an extensive study of the linear and nonlinear optical properties of metallic nanostructures. These works have principally focused on the origin of the response on the one hand and on the surface plasmon resonances engineering on the other hand. Nevertheless, some issues remain like the building of a coherent SHG response of an array ofnano-structures from its individual constituent nanostructures. A competition between the shape defect contribution and the field multipole modes has been also identified while the nonlinearity can be assumed to originate from the surface itself. Unfortunately, no perfect centrosymmetric shape can be achieved and it is difficult to disentangle surface defects from field multipoles. Recently, it has nevertheless been demonstrated how polarization resolved measurements could achieve this operation. To go further into this direction, nanocubes are investigated in the present work.

Date of last modification: 11/10/2018, 13:10