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Departamento de Física promove seminário de óptica na próxima terça-feira (1º)

O evento acontecerá no auditório do departamento, às 14h

O Departamento de Física (DF) da UFPE realizará na próxima terça-feira (1º) o Seminário de Óptica. O evento, de título “Design, Fabrication and Characterization of ZnO Nanostructure Based Photodetectors” será apresentado pelo pós-doutorando do departamento Avishek Das. O seminário acontecerá no auditório do DF, às 14h.


The current research work has emphasized on optimizing the growth, design, and fabrication of ZnO nanostructure-based photodetectors by employing Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) technique. The work includes the morphological engineering of ZnO nanostructure by tuning the CBD growth parameters. The electronic properties of single n-ZnO nanowires (NWs) /p-Si heterojunction diode-based nano-rectifier have been investigated. The effect of native defects in ZnO NWs on the heterojunction properties has been investigated and is observed to be highly temperature-dependent. The annealing effects on the defects and the relevant UV photodetection properties are studied. The overall study and subsequent observations suggest that the oxygen vacancy related defects are essential for device and UV photodetection applications with ZnO NWs. The thermal treatment of as-grown ZnO NWs is not recommended for improving UV photodetection efficiency.

Mais informações
Departamento de Física
(81) 2126.8450

Date of last modification: 27/09/2019, 14:13