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Colóquio de Física acontece nesta sexta-feira (23)

Evento acontece no auditório do Departamento de Física às 16h

Mais uma edição do Colóquio de Física acontece nesta sexta-feira (23). O tema desta vez é “Constrained systems and the topology of the universe” e será ministrado por Salman Abarghouei Nejad, pesquisador do Departamento de Física da UFPE. O evento começa a partir das 16h, no auditório do DF, no prédio do Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza (CCEN).


What is the shape of the universe? In other words, if we could look at the universe from outside, what would we see? To answer this question, several attempts have been done, and cosmologists have made several astronomical observations, especially from the data gathered from Cosmic Microwave Background, and many possibilities have been proposed so far. In this presentation, I will introduce a method to study the probable topology of the universe, theoretically. Such an investigation is done with the help of the formalism of constrained systems¿. ¿For that purpose, ¿I will introduce constrained Lagrangian systems at first and then¿, ¿the symplectic embedding formalism will be introduced. Afterward, ¿I will use the aforementioned formalism as a tool to investigate the probable topology of the universe, and finally, ¿I will talk about phenomenological investigations for our cosmological model.

Mais informações
Secretaria de Pós-Graduação do Departamento de Física
(81) 2126.8449

Data da última modificação: 20/11/2018, 15:16