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Seminário de Óptica será proferido pela professora Sandra Vianna

Evento será na próxima terça-feira (4), no auditório do Departamento de Física

A próxima edição do Seminário de Óptica, que ocorrerá na terça-feira (4), às 14h, no auditório do Departamento de Física (DF) da UFPE, será apresentado pela professora Sandra Vianna (DF/UFPE), que vai abordar o tema "Autler-Townes splitting and coherent effects in the collimated blue light generated in rubidium vapor". Aberto ao público, o evento será apresentado em português.


In this work, we use a combination of diode laser and 1 GHz fs pulse train to generate collimated blue light in Rb vapor. The two-photon transition is driven by the cw diode laser (5S-5P) and one or two modes of the frequency comb (5S-5P-5D). Afterwards, there is an amplified spontaneous emission at 5.2 µm in the 5D-6P transition, followed by a blue signal at 420 nm, generated via four wave mixing. In this blue signal, we clearly see a doublet structure where the separation between the peaks depends on the power of the diode laser. This is a signature of the Autler-Townes splitting, which can be observed when we scan the diode laser detuning or the repetition rate of the frequency comb. Furthermore, when we scan the repetition rate, a thin peak over the Autler-Townes signal arises. From our theoretical model, this extra signal is the result of interference between two possible pathways, induced by both lasers. The same model also describes within good agreement the doublet structure and its features.

Date of last modification: 31/08/2018, 16:59