O Programa/The Program O Programa/The Program

The Graduate Program in Urban Development (MDU) of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) has been in operation for 40 years and is the only one in the North/ Northeast region dedicated to the field of Urban Planning, it has contributed to the qualification of technical and teaching staff for public and private universities and public governments, with particular emphasis on the fields of conservation management of urban cultural heritage, sustainable urban development of landscapes and public spaces, the history and theory of architecture, urbanism and urban practices in cities, advanced studies of housing, entrepreneurship, legal instruments for urban planning, and public participation.

Proposal: The Program proposal uses an interdisciplinary approach to urban and regional issues, fostering discussions and theoretical reflections with analytical and intervention practices through the application of theories, methods and techniques of integrated conservation planning, the cultural landscape, urban design and urban management.


Faculty members

Advisors by Areas of Concentration/ Research topics

Architecture and Urbanism

Circe Maria Gama Monteiro - LATTES

Cristiano do Nascimento Borba (colaborador)- LATTES

Fernando Diniz Moreira - LATTES

Guilah Naslavsky - LATTES

José de Souza Brandão- LATTES

Julieta Maria de Vasconcelos Leite - LATTES

Letícia Teixeira Mendes  - LATTES

Lúcia Leitão Santos - LATTES

Luiz Manuel do Eirado Amorim - LATTES

Maria de Jesus Britto Leite - LATTES

Maria Luiza Macedo Xavier de Freitas - LATTES

Max Lira Veras de Andrade - LATTES

Integrated Conservation

Ana Rita Sá Carneiro - LATTES

Maria de Fátima Furtado - LATTES

Renata Campello Cabral - LATTES

Ruskin Marinho de Freitas – LATTES

Tomás de Albuquerque - LATTES

Virgínia Pontual - LATTES

Planning and Management

Cristina Pereira de Araújo - LATTES

Edvânia Torres Aguiar Gomes (colaborador) - LATTES

Flavio Antonio Miranda de Souza - LATTES 

Luis de La Mora (colaborador) – LATTES

Maria Ângela de Almeida Souza – LATTES

Norma Lacerda - LATTES

Suely Maria Ribeiro Leal (colaborador) -  LATTES


Admin Staff

Coordinator: Prof. Renata Campello Cabral

Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Virgínia Pitta Pontual

Secretary: Renata de Albuquerque Silva


Graduate courses

The Program offers regular post-graduate stricto sensu courses covering Master and Doctorate levels. The CAPES Evaluation Committee has assessed the Program as being Very Good (Concept 5), placing it among the best on a national level. It is accredited to receive masters and doctorate scholarships from CAPES, CNPq and FACEPE.




International Cooperation  

Information regarding VISAs, Student Assistance (Accommodation, Food, Transport, Currency Exchange), Application procedure, Course registration, etc. can be found on the International Cooperation web page.


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)