"Biophotonics: Optics in the Life Sciences"
Anderson S. L. Gomes (DF-UFPE)
“Biophotonics—the science at the convergence of light and biological matter—has come a long way over the past three decades. Advances in light-based technologies have resulted in innovative and transformative tools to study and manipulate biological systems at the subcellular, cellular, tissue, and organ levels. Thus, biophotonics is expected to play a key role in next generation diagnostic, analytical, and therapeutic modalities of the 21st century. This is clearly demonstrated not only by its rapidly expanding scientific literature and industrial growth, but also by several recent global initiatives that include biophotonics as a major cornerstone” [1].
In this talk, I shall give a broad overview of recent biophotonics developments and applications, and will describe results obtained from our more than 15 years long interaction with the graduate program in Dentistry and more recently with the Rheumatology Service at HC/UFPE. Emphasis will be given to the exploitation of optical coherence tomography as a photonic imaging diagnostic tool in Dentistry, from dental materials characterization to recent clinical evaluation procedures.
[1] Text directly extracted from: Biophotonics: the big picture, Laura Marcu, Stephen A. Boppart, Mark R. Hutchinson, Ju¨rgen Popp and Brian C. Wilson, Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(2), 021103 (February 2018)
Data, horário e local:
27 de abril de 2018, (sexta-feira) 16h
Auditório do Departamento de Física – CCEN – UFPE