
Colóquio de Física acontece amanhã (28) às 16h

Evento será ministrado pelo professor Mauro Copelli

O Departamento de Física promove amanhã, a partir das 16h, o Colóquio de Física com o tema “Criticality between cortical states”. O evento será no auditório do Departamento de Física e será ministrado pelo professor Mauro Copelli, com experiência em Física Estatística, atuando principalmente em Neurociência Computacional, Sistemas Fora do Equilíbrio e Dinâmica Não Linear.


Since the first measurements of neuronal avalanches, the critical brain hypothesis has gained traction. However, if the brain is critical, what is the phase transition? For several decades, it has been known that the cerebral cortex operates in a diversity of regimes, ranging from highly synchronous states (with higher spiking variability) to desynchronized states (with lower spiking variability). Here, using both new and publicly available data, we test independent signatures of criticality and show that a phase transition occurs in an intermediate value of spiking variability, in both anesthetized and freely moving animals. The critical exponentes point to a universality class different from mean-field directed percolation. Importantly, as the cortex hovers around this critical point, the avalanche exponents follow a linear relation that encompasses previous experimental results from different setups and is reproduced by a model.

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Secretaria de Pós-Graduação
(81) 2126.8449

Data da última modificação: 27/06/2019, 11:51